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Planning is a core of management


    This main principle of planned economy became the leitmotif of "Biz plan 2001" seminar passed November 15. Organizers of the seminar: "Center-invest" bank and "Rostovenergo" corporation have returned modern sense to this slogan.

    Finish of each Year is characterized not only counting results, but as time of serious thoughts about prospects as well. This "Biz plan 2001" seminar was organized for professionals, for leaders of planned and financial departments and Don's businessman.

    Analysis of modern methods and requirements of development biz plans become a main theme of seminar. Methodic, presented by specialists of "Center-invest" bank, were brightly illustrated by its clients. Specialists of leading corporations : "Rostovenergo", "Santarm", "Center-Cosmetics", "Center of materials for Building" have told about their successful experience in business planning.

    Discussions covered practically the whole spectrum of perspective directions of enterprise activity in 2001: optimization and organization of checking the cash flows; labor payment improvement; moving the investment projects; foreign economic activity; Internet technologies in business. Special attention was directed to the new Tax code and their influence upon functioning the enterprises. Efficiency of aggressive marketing strategy usage was shown on the example of the Don businessman.

    Unique of the seminar, probably, the most exactly has reflected Vice-president "Center-invest", professor Visokov. He said: "Success of planning is not in radicalism of separate steps, but in balancing biz plans on resources, terms and performers"