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Our Works Demand Changes!


Vasily Vysokov, Chairman of Center-Invest Bank’s Board of Directors, Professor and Doctor of Economics, made a presentation at the Third International Conference «Innovation Trends in International Business and Sustainable Management» on the topic of Sustainable Management of Transformations. The conference was organized by the Southern Federal University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow State University, and a number of Russian and international research centers.

Transformations are constant changes in the setting of continuous crises. The Cossacks have proved that in order to retain stability in an unfriendly surrounding one should constantly «be up to date, in the forefront and on full alert». Taking this path enabled Center-Invest regional bank to develop successfully and strengthen its competitiveness both on the local and global markets. The bank actively multiplies its experience of transformations among its clients, universities, general public, businesses and government bodies.

In 2023, the bank issued the first Economics of Transformations task book, in which a review of the main areas of transformations in legislation, crisis, public benefit and service business, small business, marketing, strategy, design of economic mechanisms, banking, monetary circulation, investments, science, innovations, data analysis, control, risk management and talent management was presented. The bank held an international student contest which gathered more than 400 participants from 95 universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and China. The bank also held the first parliamentary hackathon, Legislative Work of the Region in Economics of Transformations, for members of the newly elected (7th) composition of Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region. Professor Vysokov presented a hackathon/lecture to students and educators of RSUE (RINE) and participants of the Constellation of South acceleration program.

«The new challenges require sustainable technologies for managing transformations. Success is achieved by a complex approach to use of all factors: The Leader and the Team possessing the Vision, Competences, Creativity, Communications, Competitiveness, with capability for Criticism, Experiments and Risks,» pointed out Professor Vysokov.