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Center-invest Bank Participates in Golden Autumn Exhibition

 On October 5–8, the XXIV All-Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition Golden Autumn-2022 was held in the Patriot Park, Moscow Region. This exhibition is the tremendous celebration of the agricultural industry achievements and the professional platform to foster dialogue between market players. Center-invest Bank was not only a participant, but also a contributor to the business program of the event.


Center-invest Bank Participates in CREDIT-EXPO Exhibition

On October 4–5, the fourth CREDIT-EXPO, a specialised exhibition of loans for small and medium-sized businesses, was held in Moscow. Center-invest Bank appeared as a standholder and also as a presenter within the business program of the event.  


Don Science for the Don Region

 With the help of Center-invest Bank, Rostovstat published the statistics digest Scientific Potential of the Don Region: 2022, which represents fifteen-year dynamics of science and technology development in the Rostov Region.


Center-invest Bank Becomes a General Partner for DSTU Science Festival

 From September 30 to October 1, the Don State Technical University hosted VII Science Festival “Think Ecological!”, one of the largest annual regional level events in the field of science and education. Center-invest Bank traditionally supported the festival and adopted the role of the general partner for this event.


Center-invest Bank Joined Krasnodar Business Forum

On September 29, 2022, Mr. Vasiliy Vysokov, D. Sc. Economics, Professor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank, spoke at the Krasnodar Business Forum entitled “Strategy for the South: Sustainability or Growth”. The forum was organized by the Expert Yug business media company.


Endowment for Cossack Students

Center-invest Bank and Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) have entered into an agreement to establish a university endowment fund and to support the Cossack institution.


Center-invest Bank Presented its SME Banking Experience at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Mr. Alexander Dolganov, Ph.D. in Economics, Deputy Chairman of Center-invest Bank's Management Board, has attended the strategy session of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry where he has given the benefit of the bank’s experience in involving SME customers in the sustainable development agenda.


Center-invest Bank Opened a New Office in Nizhny Novgorod

A new spacious office of Center-invest Bank is now open at 39 Bolshaya Pechyorskaya Street in Nizhny Novgorod. The office provides a full range of retail and corporate banking services.