À la présidence de Center-Invest, quinzième banque russe pour le financement des
PME-PMI, Vasily Vysokov promeut une nouvelle méthode positive pour faire du
business. Il soutient et accompagne la microfinance et les jeunes entrepreneurs.
Since its establishment in 1992 by southern Russia’s first privatised enterprises, Center-invest Bank has not only provided banking services, but has also helped the region’s population, companies and authorities to resolve economic and social problems. Center-invest Bank is known as a reform laboratory in southern Russia for its impact on economic processes in the region and its ability to combine modern theoretical knowledge with practical solutions.
The trend among young people to start their own business is growing not only in the twin capitals but also in Russia’s regions. And there’s more help than ever for youthful entrepreneurs. Since 2009, when the first loans became available for business people with little experience or capital, more banks and institutions have become involved.