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Bank Center-invest has brought German combine harvesters to the South of Russia

The first ten CLAAS harvesters have come to Rostov within the agreement with Bank GESELLSCHAFT BERLIN that granted to Bank Center-invest the purpose loan line on total sum EURO 2,96 million for the period of five years. The guarantor for Bank Center-invest became HERMES, the largest German State insurance company.


Bank Center-invest has received money of the World Bank for investment projects

Within the loan agreement with International Finance Corporation (IFC) Bank Center-invest has received the first USD 1 million tranche for the term of 34 months.


Borrowers of Bank Center-invest will receive new international guarantees

On June 19, 2002 representatives of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) visited Bank Center-invest. During the meeting an agreement was achieved on expansion of USAID guarantee line for loans given by the Bank to small and micro enterprises up to USD 6 million.


Center-Invest Bank attended Annual meeting of EBRD

On May 19-20, 2002 Annual meeting and Sitting of board of Governors of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development was held in Bucharest. V.V. Vysokov - President of OJSC Commer-cial bank "Center-Invest", Dr. of economical sciences, professor - entered the membership of delegation of the Russian Federa-tion. Statement of V.V. Vysokov in the course of the Russian Federation presentation at Annual meeting of EBRD is published below:


Stockholders' meeting of JSC Commercial bank Center-Invest

On May 14, 2002 there was held stockholders' meeting of JSC Commercial bank Center-Invest. According to the results of meet-ing there was approved Annual report, Annual accounting report-ing and Distribution of incomes according to the results of fi-nancial year. Decision to pay the dividends on privileged stocks for the year 2001 in amount of 20 percent (20%) of par value of stock. The total number of stocks is 123125, par value - 4 ru-bles, date of dividend payment - at the latest on December 31, 2002. It was decided not to pay dividends on common stocks.


Center-Invest Bank concluded an agreement with International Finan-cial Corporation

On May 14, 2002 Loan Agreement between Center-Invest Bank and International Financial Corporation (IFC). The three years credit line was opened for Center-Invest Bank in amount of 2 millions of dollars.


Center-Invest Bank computerizes Chaltyr

On April 25, 2002 was held the next drawing of computers among the depositors of Center-Invest Bank.


Center-Invest Bank invests into the "president administrators"

On April 10, 2002 was held the meeting of Center-Invest Bank and Administration of Rostov region with association of gradu-ates of President Program for Administrative Personnel Training dedicated to the prospective of the parties interaction in re-alization of investment potential of the Don.