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Center-invest Bank Participates in II National Congress on Financial Education

Center-invest Bank presented its financial literacy programmes and social and educational projects at the II National Congress on Financial Education for the General Public, held on


“Normandy Format” Reception Held at Center-invest Bank

On 5 March a reception was held in the Center-invest Bank Directors’ Club for the German Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Rüdiger von Fritsch, accompanied by his wife and a delegation from the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce. Also present were business and local government representatives from the Rostov Region.


Center-invest Bank Launches New Payment Device

Center-invest Bank has launched a new product for contactless payments: using a Watch2pay® device with PayPass™ technology and a Center-invest bank card, customers can make payments with just one tap.


Center-invest Bank Rises Up “The Banker” Rating

As is now traditional, the February edition of “The Banker” publication included a ranking of the Top 100 Russian banks. Center-invest Bank has moved up the ranking to 69th place for capital (USD179 m) and 58th place for assets (USD2.3bn).


Center-invest Bank Increases Mortgage Lending by 21% in 2014

The Rusipoteka online portal for the mortgage industry has published its ranking of Russia’s biggest mortgage lenders for 2014. Center-invest Bank ranks 27th, one place higher than in the previous year.


Winners of “Project for My City” Competition Announced

The final selection and award ceremony for the “Project for My City” competition was held on 16 February in Center-invest Bank’s congress hall. The competition was launched on 4 December 2014 by the Rostov-on-Don City Administration and Center-invest Bank, in partnership with the Rostov Regional Enterprise Agency and local universities.


Center-invest Bank Organises Russia’s First Positive Economy Forum

Russia’s first Positive Economy Forum is to be held in Rostov-on-Don in June 2015.


Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Board of Directors Becomes Public Advisor to Head of Rostov Administration

Dr Vasily Vysokov, chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Board of Directors, has taken up post as a public advisor to the head of the Rostov Administration, Sergei Gorban. Dr Vysokov will be advising Mr Gorban on key aspects of the socio-economic, civic and political life of Rostov-on-Don. He will also help the head of the administration to identify effective policy solutions and assist with their implementation.