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Center-Invest Bank is a leader in SME lending.

In 2010, Center-Invest Bank made more loans to SMEs as part of the Rostov Region SME Development Programme than any other bank: 4896 loans totalling RUR21.2bn.


Center-Invest Bank is helping companies go international

To promote partnerships between Rostov region businesses and foreign companies,Center-Invest Bank has updated the “Partner” Database and it has developed a new investment programme for SMEs in southern Russia, “Partnership for Modernization”


Center-Invest Bank recognised as the best Russian bank of 2010 for sustainability

The magazine The New Economy has announced the winners of its international competition “The Sustainable Finance Awards”. Center-Invest Bank was the only Russian bank to be selected for an award.


New public-private partnership (PPP) opportunities for municipalities

Together with the Rostov Region Council of Municipal Districts, Center-Invest Bank held a seminar entitled “PPP for Municipal Districts”.


Center-Invest Bank and Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberoesterreich AG (RLBOOE) have agreed a road map for a partnership to promote modernisation.

Center-Invest Bank President, Dr. Vasily Vysokov, met for talks with Dr. Ludwig Scharinger, the CEO of Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberoesterreich AG (RLBOOE) in the Upper Austrian city of Linz. Dr. Scharinger was accompanied by a number of his colleagues. One of the main issues discussed by the parties was how to further build on their experience of cooperation.


Our bank-managed mutual fund (BMMF) “Center-Invest 2” was the top performer of 2010

The Association for the Protection of Investors’ Information Rights (AZIPI) has reported on last year’s performance on the collective investments market. Based on returns achieved, the best performing bank-managed bond fund was Center-Invest 2, delivering a return of 34.5%.


Center-invest Bank is listed as one of the TOP-100 of the largest Russian banks

According to the results of RBC ratings «The largest banks of Russia for 9 months of 2010» and «The most profitable and efficient banks for 9 months of 2010», Center-invest Bank again proves the status of one of the largest business partners for corporate and retail customers in southern Russia.


Center-Invest Bank has approved its new strategy “The Post-Crisis Development of Southern Russia”

Center-Invest's Board of Directors has approved the bank's 2011-2015 Development Strategy “The Post-Crisis Development of Southern Russia”. The new strategy is designed to promote the continued sustainable development of Center-Invest Bank and the economy of southern Russia, as well as increased revenues, improved performance against key financial indicators, and greater efficiency on the part of the bank's business customers. It is based on a model for modernisation that uses international best practice and an increased ability to compete in the global economy