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Moody's Interfax raised Center-invest Bank rating

In May 2007 г. Moody's Interfax Rating Agency raised Center-invest Bank long-term credit rating up to A1.ru in accordance with national scale (according to the information of <a href=http://www.cbonds.info/ru/news/index.phtml/params/id/368880 target=_blank>“cbonds.info”</a>).


Center-invest Bank will increase own capital

On April 13, Center-invest Bank signed an agreement with the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB, Greece) on granting a subordinated loan amounting to USD 10 million with a term of seven years for Center-invest Bank.


Which banks like small business: results of 2006

In 2006 the banks, operating in Rostov region, granted 14 798 loans for small business to the amount of over RUR 32 billion.


Center-invest Bank experience has become of international importance

Center-invest Bank experience in the sphere of development of small business and energy-saving technologies in the South of Russia was presented as a successful case study in the yearly report of International Finance Corporation (IFC) <a target="_blank" href="http://www.ifc.org/ifcext/enviro.nsf/Content/Publications_EnvFinance#BOS"> “Banking on Sustainability. Financing Environmental and Social Opportunities in Emerging Markets”</a>.


Center-invest Bank has attracted USD175 Mio in the economy of the South of Russia

On the 26th of March Bank Center-invest has closed its debut issue on the international capital markets – USD 175 Mio of 2 years CLNs (Credit-linked notes).


EBRD president meets with Center-invest Bank customers

On March 26, the meeting of Jean Lemier, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), with Center-invest Bank customers took place in Rostov-on-Don.


Russian MBA for the students of the South of Russia

On March 16 professor Vasily V.Vysokov, doctor in economics, gave a lecture in Center-invest Bank for the students, post-graduates and young teachers of Southern Federal University and journalists devoted to “Construction of economic mechanisms”.


Center-invest Bank held a seminar for small business at the Black Sea coast

On March 13, in Gelendzhik Center-invest Bank held a seminar for the entrepreneurs of Gelendzhik and Anapa devoted to “Lending to enterprises of sanatoria and health resorts complex of Krasnodar Territory”. Over 70 entrepreneurs and directors of sanatoria, private hotels and mini-hotels took part in the seminar.