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Center-Invest Bank Ranks among Russia’s Business Leaders

Center-invest Bank became one of the winners of the All-Russia contest «Leaders of Russian Business: Dynamics, Responsibility, Sustainability — 2022» organised by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The bank won in two categories of the contest: «Best Practice of Interaction Between Big Business and SMEs» and «Best Digitalisation Project».


Center-Invest Bank Ranks among Russia’s Business Leaders

Center-invest Bank became one of the winners of the All-Russia contest «Leaders of Russian Business: Dynamics, Responsibility, Sustainability — 2022» organised by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The bank won in two categories of the contest: «Best Practice of Interaction Between Big Business and SMEs» and «Best Digitalisation Project».


Center-Invest Bank’s SME Programme Wins Competition Organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

On 24 May 2023, the final of the annual Best SME Banking Programme 2023 competition was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation as part of the Golden Mercury National Entrepreneurship Award. Center-invest Bank’s «Resort Business of Southern Russia» programme won the «Support and Development of the Resort Business» category.


Center-Invest Bank Participates in the Russia-China Business Forum

A Russia-China Business Forum was held in Shanghai on 23 May 2023. The event was attended by Mr. Yury Bogdanov, Director of Innovations at Center-invest Bank.


Center-Invest Bank Is a Finalist in the Green Eurasia Competition

Center-invest Bank became a finalist in the first Green Eurasia international climate competition and won 2nd place in the Green Finance category.


Customers of Center‑Invest Bank Prefer Energy-Efficient Housing

One third of the apartments purchased using the home loans granted by Center-invest Bank are located in new buildings with an energy efficiency rating of A or better. This shows that the bank’s customers are choosing the most energy-efficient and highest quality new buildings to live in.


Center-Invest Bank Participates in “Discussing Business in Woman’s Way” Forum

On 19 May 2023, the 2nd annual forum «Discussing Business in Woman’s Way» was held in Krasnodar. The event was hosted by the Eurasian Women’s Forum Council and supported by the Public Chamber of the Krasnodar Region. Center-invest Bank was a partner of the forum and actively participated in it.


Center-Invest Bank and Rostov Museum of Local Lore Celebrate 20 Years of Cooperation

On 20 May 2023, a mini-performance entitled «Artists’ Monologues: A Step into the Unknown» took place in the courtyard of the Rostov Museum of Local Lore in honour of the 20th anniversary of cooperation between Center-invest Bank and the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore.