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Reward for Merit to the Business

V. V. Vysokov, Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Board of Directors, Professor and Doctor of Economics, was awarded the medal «FOR MERIT» of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Professor Vysokov was rewarded for active involvement in the implementation of goals and objectives pursued by the Union of Employers of the Rostov Region.


Center-invest Bank Released payment stickers for contactless payments

Tap-to-pay stickers are now available to the clients of Center-invest Bank. The sticker can be attached to the back panel of a smartphone to ensure convenient payment for purchases.


Center-invest Bank at the Eurasian Congress

The Eurasian Congress was held on 8–9 June 2023 in Sochi at the Sirius Science and Arts Park. Center-invest Bank participated in the event.


Center-invest Bank at the Ecology International forum in Moscow

Center-invest Bank took part in the «Ecology» International Forum organised by the Ecology Center for Support of Environment Protection Initiatives Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation. The event took place on 5–6 June 2023 in Moscow at the International Trade Center.


Sustainable Development Goals of the Rostov region

Rostovstat has published a yet another (third) digest titled «Rostov Region: Movement Toward the Sustainable Development Goals, 2016–2022». All three issues have been ordered and sponsored by Center-invest Bank acting as the partner of the project.


Center-invest Bank is among Russia’s Top ESG projects

The «Russia’s Best ESG Projects» Forum took place in Moscow on 1 June. Center-invest Bank became a winner in the «ESG Business Transformation» category and presented a rating-based model of the ESG risks assessment for loans granted to SME.


Center-invest Bank took part in consultations on the Review of Bank of Russia’s Monetary Policy

On 31 May in Krasnodar Vasily Vysokov, Chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Board of Directors, Professor and Doctor of Economics, took part in public consultations on the Review of Bank of Russia’s monetary policy.


Center-Invest Bank Presented Its Experience at the All-Russian Banking Conference

On 25 May 2023, the XXIII All-Russian Banking Conference organised by the Association of Banks of Russia was held in Moscow. Center-invest Bank participated in the event and held a session on financing projects for technological sovereignty and structural adjustment of the economy.