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Endowment fund’s capital increased by RUR30m

On 11 September 2012 the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank decided to increase the capital of the Endowment Fund for Education and Science in the Southern Federal District by RUR30m. This is to allow the further development of social and educational projects for schoolchildren, students, young academics and teaching staff in southern Russia. The fund now has capital of RUR68.5m.


Long-term investment to modernize SMEs

Under an agreement signed on 3 September 2012, the Development Bank of Austria (OeEB) is to provide Center-invest Bank with a €20m credit line for a period of seven years. Center-invest Bank will use these funds for on-lending to SMEs that require finance for modernization and investment projects, and also for energy-efficiency loans.


Start up, Don! Start up!

Dr. Vasily Vysokov, president of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank and chairman of the Commission for Economic Development, Enterprise and Innovation of the Rostov Region’s Public Chamber, spoke about the “Start up, Don!” concept at the youth forum “Rostov 2012. 100% Energy”.


Center-invest Bank wins regional stage of nationwide competition “The 100 Best Goods of Russia”

The Regional Quality Committee has announced the winners of the Don region stage of the national competition to find the 100 best goods of Russia. Center-invest Bank won the banking services category and will be taking part in the competition final.


No charge for payments made in Chinese yuan

On 12 July 2012 Center-invest Bank started offering a Chinese yuan currency exchange service. Anyone wishing to buy or sell the Chinese currency can do so at Center-invest Bank’s 24-hour office or its Private Banking Centre in Rostov-on-Don (head office, 62 Sokolova Avenue).


Center-invest Bank successfully conducted its secondary offering of bonds

On June 29, 2012 Center-invest Bank fulfilled its obligation to redeem series 2 bonds at the request of owners. Investors have kept bank bonds worth over 1.1 billion rubles in their portfolios.


International seminar held at Center-Invest Bank

On June 15th Center-invest Bank hosted a round table discussion, regarding the sustainable banking business model, which was attended by shareholders, partners, bank employees and representatives of academic circles and businesses.


Center-invest Bank is the Leading Bank for SME Lending in Russia

Following a study conducted in May, Center-invest Bank, based in southern Russia, tops the list of banks in the Index of Lending Conducive to SME Development in Russia.