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Center-Invest continues to strengthen cooperation between businesses in southern Russia and Europe.

On 3 September, Center-Invest Bank hosted a networking event at which its customers met representatives of German companies who were visiting the Rostov region from the Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany).


Center-invest Bank is the leader among the banks financing real sector of economy.

On July 22, 2009 during the press conference in Interfax-South agency Vladimir Bartenjev, Minister of Economy of the Rostov Region, cited the following data...


The future of global finance: Center-Invest Bank's view

On 17 June, at the plenary session of the Adam Smith Conference «Retail Banking Services in Russia», Chairman of Center-Invest Bank, Dr. Vasily Vysokov, presented a paper, «Sustainable banking: the foundation of the post-crisis banking system.»


Center-Invest Bank is recognised as one of Russia’s most reliable banks.

The analytical financial magazine «Profil» (No.19, 25.05.09) has published a rating «The Most Reliable of the Top 100 Russian Banks (as at 01.04.09)». In this rating, Center-Invest Bank ranks 21st among the country's 100 largest banks.


Energy efficiency technologies from Denmark will help Center-Invest's customers make savings.

On 9-10 June, assisted by the Royal Consulate General of Denmark, Center-Invest Bank held Danish-Russian Energy Efficiency Technology Days in Rostov-on-Don.


Center-Invest Bank's sustainable development takes it into final of international competition.

On 4 June in London the winners of the «FT Sustainable Banking Awards» were announced. The international competition is organised by the Financial Times newspaper and IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.


Enterprise for All

A crisis is the best time for investment in learning. It is hard to wait for help from others during a crisis, but everyone should know how to help themselves.

On 26 May, Entrepreneurs' Day, Center-Invest Bank launched a new project, «Enterprise for All», which will help SMEs in southern Russia and the local population overcome economic challenges by applying sustainable development principles and using the intellectual support of Center-Invest specialists.


Center-Invest Bank celebrated Entrepreneurs' Day together with Italian and Don business people.

The International Forum of Rostov Region and Italian SMEs was opened on 25 May in Center-Invest Bank's head office.