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Don legislators met to discuss the sustainable development of the region.

On 26 May the Rostov Region Legislative Assembly held a hearing on «Measures to Ensure the Sustainable Operation of Rostov Region's Industrial Sector». On the invitation of regional legislators, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-Invest Bank, Dr. Vasily Vysokov, spoke at this event: he talked about experience of sustainable development and proposed ways in which sustainable development mechanisms could be used to build the region's post-crisis economy.


Center-Invest Bank is the leader in SME lending.

In Q1 2009, Center-Invest Bank made 1135 loans to SMEs totalling 3.2 billion rubles. As such, in terms of the number of loans issued, it outperformed the other banks participating in the Rostov region SME Development Programme.


Center-Invest Bank’s results presented at the EBRD’s Annual Meeting.

On 16-17 May the annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was held in London. At this event, Chairman of the Board of Center-Invest Bank, Dr Vasily Vysokov, presented the programme “Southern Russia Against the Global Crisis” and spoke about the introduction of energy efficiency technologies in southern Russia.


Center-Invest Bank attracts USD20m for southern Russia’s post-crisis economy.

In London on 15 May Center-Invest Bank signed loan agreements with the German Investment and Development Company (Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, DEG) and the Development Bank of Austria (Die Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG, OeEB). Under each of these agreements, Center-Invest will receive USD10m for financing post-crisis development projects in southern Russia. Both loans have a term of five years. The funds will be used for lending to SMEs and the agricultural sector, and also for energy efficiency lending.


Center-Invest Bank provides an intellectual forum for Russian and European students.

Students from the Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Munster University (Germany) and South Federal University (Rostov) have recently completed six-month placements with Center-Invest Bank, organised as part of a large European education project, TEMPUS POMBI.


Center-invest Bank attracts USD35m for southern Russia’s post-crisis economy.

On 17 March, Center-invest Bank and the EBRD signed an agreement under which the EBRD will provide Center-invest with a five-year USD35m loan.


Center-invest Bank is now one of the top 50 Russian banks for retail lending.

RosBusinessConsulting (www.rbc.ru)has published its traditional end-of-year ratings for 2008: The Best Banks for Car Loans and The Best Banks for Mortgages. Center-invest Bank ranks as one of the country’s leading banks: 25th in the car loan rating and 35th in the mortgage loan rating.


Clients of Center-invest remain optimistic

Bank Center-invest carried out regular survey among its clients asking them about the prospects of their business for 2009.