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Center-invest Bank has become the first Russian bank to receive an EBRD loan to develop agriculture in the Southern Federal District.

Center-<span style="padding: 0pt; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: black; display: inline; font-size: inherit;">invest</span> Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have signed an agreement granting Center-Invest a RUR600m five-year credit line to finance agriculture in southern Russia. Center-Invest is the first Russian bank to have secured EBRD investment for the agricultural sector.


Olympia bewegt die Region

„Die Region Suedrussland ist im Aufbruch&quot;, so lautet das Fazit einer zweiw&#246;chigen IHK-Unternehmerreise nach Rostov am Don, Krasnodar und Sotschi. Die Reise wurde vom frueheren Prasidenten der Deutschen Bundesbank, Ernst Welteke, initiiert. Insbesondere die Olympischen Winterspiele 2014 erweisen sich zunehmend als Katalysator f&#252;r die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Sudrussland.


Center-Invest Bank ranked as one of the most profitable Russian banks.

Ross Business Consulting (RBC.ru) has published its rating 'The Most Profitable and Effective Banks in Q1 2008’. Center-Invest Bank is ranked 41st among the largest Russian banks in terms of pre-tax profits for Q1 2008. In just one year it has moved up 14 places in the rating.


Center-Invest's shareholders have chosen Erste Bank.

Erste Bank der &#246;sterreichischen Sparkassen AG (Erste Bank) has acquired a 9.8% stake in Center-Invest Bank from a group of minority shareholders.


Center-Invest, SAP CIS and the Southern Federal University are to train IT specialists.

In May 2008, Center-Invest Bank, SAP CIS and the Southern Federal University signed an agreement on cooperation under the SAP University Alliance Program. The parties have agreed to set up a new SAP solutions training centre at the Southern Federal University, and they have undertaken to develop the curricula for the courses in SAP products. The first intake of students is scheduled for this year.


Center-Invest Bank - the leader in SME lending

In Q1 2008, Center-Invest Bank granted SMEs 1629 loans totalling RUR5bn. As such, it outperformed the other banks participating in the Rostov region SME Development Programme.


Sustainable Development Award

On 18 May, Tatiana N. Vysokova, Chairman of the Audit and Compliance Committee of Center-Invest Bank's Board of Directors, was awarded a prestigious international prize in the 'Women in Business Awards' held annually by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).


Center-Invest Bank increases its capital by USD50m

On 17 May Center-Invest Bank and the German Investment and Development Company (DEG – Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH) signed an agreement granting Center-Invest Bank a ten-year USD30m subordinated loan.