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Center-invest Bank's Board of Directors sets itself the objective of integrating the European and southern Russian economies and raising the standard of living in southern Russia.

On 28 November a meeting of shareholders of Center-invest Bank approved the following composition of the Board of Directors


Center-invest Bank is the leader for retail deposits in southern Russia.

RosBusinessConsulting (RBC.ru) has published its rating 'The Best Deposit Banks' based on performance during the first three quarters of 2008. Center-invest Bank is ranked 29th among the leading Russian banks in terms of retail deposits.


Center-invest and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are to upgrade the heating infrastructure in Taganrog.

On 24 October the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an agreement granting the district heating company Teploenergo (Taganrog) a ten-year RUR221m loan to upgrade the city's heating infrastructure.


Southern Russia versus the Global Crisis

Center-invest Bank presented its economic programme 'Southern Russia Against the Global Crisis' to international banks in Frankfurt on 27 October, and at the conference 'Medium-Sized Enterprises: Safeguarding Southern Russia's Economic Growth', organised by the Association of European Businesses and the magazine 'Expert-Yug', in Krasnodar on 29 October.


Center-invest Bank: Your Reliable Partner in Southern Russia

In October Center-invest Bank published its Q1-Q3 2008 results. The financial statements were produced in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), with which Center-invest has been working for the past twelve years.


Central Bank of Russia has confirmed reliability of Center-invest Bank

Center-invest Bank is now in the list of the 50 banks that can act as guarantors of Central Bank of Russia loans. This information was published on the <a href="http://cbr.ru/analytics/standart_system/print.asp?file=list_req.htm">Central Bank of Russia website</a> on 15 October 2008.


New rating assigned to Center-invest Bank: increased reliability means further growth for Center-invest's customers

On 16 September the independent national ratings agency RusRating raised Center-invest Bank's credit rating from 'BB+' outlook stable to 'BBB-' outlook stable.


Center-invest Bank: 1H 2008 IFRS report sends positive signal to global markets

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) has submitted its independent auditors' report approving Center-invest Bank's financial statements for the first half of 2008.