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Center-invest Bank has become one of the most efficient banks of Russia

Web-site RBC.ru has published rating “The most profitable and efficient banks of the 1st half of 2006”. Center-invest Bank entered the TOP-50 of the largest Russian banks by efficiency of capital and assets use and took relatively the 33rd and 38th position.


Center-invest Bank is a team of professionals

At the beginning of September Center-invest Bank held training in teambuilding for the staff. 80 young specialists of Center-invest Bank were developing their skill to solve common tasks and achieve the best results together.


International loan for the agriculture of the South of Russia

Within the framework of the joint program of Center-invest Bank, RaiffeisenLandesbank Oö (RLB Oö, Австрия) and international company Voest Alpine Intertrading AG, “Ali” Ltd (Kuschevsky region of Krasnodarsky krai) was granted a loan to the amount of RUR 6 million for the term of 3 years for the construction and reconstruction of the agricultural production warehouses.


Bank Center-invest became the first bank in the South of Russia to be assigned an international credit rating

On the 15th of September Bank Center-invest was assigned credit rating B1 for the long term currency deposits by one of the leading international rating agencies Moody’s Investor’s Services and A2.ru credit rating on a national scale by Moody’s Interfax Rating Agency.


New office of the Bank Center-invest in Moscow

Dear Sirs,<br> Bank Center-invest informs of the address change in its Representative office in Moscow.


Center-invest Bank occupies leading positions in Russia by profitability of Asset Management Fund

Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” took the 3rd position by the profitability from the beginning of 2006 according to the review of asset management funds activities given on web-site ofbu.ru (Agency for Protection of Investors’ Informational Rights (APIIR) http://www.ofbu.ru/a2_obzor.phtml?day=07&month=09&year=2006).


Center-invest Bank became the largest Bank in the South of Russia by the number of granted international plastic cards

Web-site RBC.ru has published a rating “The most “plastic cards” banks after 6 months of 2006” (http://rating.rbc.ru/article.shtml?2006/08/18/31109699). Center-invest Bank took the 45th position by the number of issued cards among the largest Russian banks. According to the information of RBC.ru Over 84 thousand persons use Center-invest Bank plastic cards.


Clients of Center-invest Bank (Russia) and Raiffeisenlandesbank O&amp;#246; (Austria) have become partners

On August 28 within the framework of joint program “International cooperation of Russia and Austrian enterprises” of the largest banks of the South of Russia and Upper Austria – Center-invest Bank and Raiffeisenlandesbank Ober&#246;sterreich (RLB O&#246;, Austria) – a delegation of Austrian entrepreneurs and journalists headed by the Governor of Upper Austria, doctor Josef Puhringer, and Chairman of the Managing Board of RLB O&#246;, doctor Ludwig Scharinger, visited Rostov-on-Don.