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Krasnodar region Administration supported Center-invest Bank’s online "Enterprise for All" course

Krasnodar region Administration supported the proposal that the civil servants of Kuban be encouraged to sign up for Center-invest Bank’s online «Enterprise for All» course.


Rostov Region Governor Backs Online “Enterprise for All” Course

The governor of the Rostov Region, Vasily Golubev, has said he supports the proposal that the region’s civil servants be encouraged to sign up for Center-invest Bank’s online “Enterprise for All” course.


20 million Euros to support SMEs in South Russia

Center-invest Bank and Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) signed a Loan Agreement for 20 million EUR. According to the Agreement, BSTDB is providing this credit line, with a term of 5 years, to southern Russia’s leading bank to finance small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This agreement continues a long and fruitful cooperation between the two banks, which began in 2007.


Moody’s affirms reliability and stability of Center-invest Bank

On 13 November the international rating agency Moody′s Investors Service affirmed Center-invest Bank’s Ba3 rating for long-term local currency debt and foreign currency deposits, outlook stable, and its Aa3.ru long-term national scale rating. Center-invest Bank, southern Russia’s leading bank, is the only bank in the region to have had an international rating for seven years already.


The Global Competitiveness of Center-invest Banks Customers

Center-invest Bank’s Board of Directors has approved the bank’s development strategy for 2014-2017. The new strategy, entitled “The Global Competitiveness of Center-invest Bank’s Customers”, anticipates a twofold increase in the bank’s main performance indicators during the four years. This will be achieved thanks to the localisation of best international practice and the production of globally competitive goods. The new strategy will be implemented on the basis of a sustainable banking business model, requiring a commitment to environmental and social responsibility and effective management of regional risks, underpinned by modern technologies.


Endowment funds capital exceeds RUB100m

Thanks to new donations from individuals, the capital of the Endowment Fund for Education and Science in the Southern Federal District has been increased by RUB2m and now stands at RUB100.5m. The income from the fund is used to support social and educational projects for students, young academics and teaching staff in southern Russia.


Center-invest Bank and the Rostov Region Government Sign Cooperation Agreement

On 10 October Center-invest Bank and the Government of the Rostov region signed an Agreement on Cooperation concerning the priority national, federal and regional projects to increase the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the Rostov region, and the standard of living.


Center-invest Bank Holds International Conference on Sustainable Banking

On September 12-13th Center-invest Bank hosted an international conference dedicated to the sustainable banking business model. The conference was attended by Center-invest Bank shareholders (EBRD, DEG), partners from IFC and BSTDB, banks from Austria, Germany, the USA and Azerbaijan, and representatives of the Central Bank of Russia, academic circles, and business.