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Center-invest Bank obtains USD15m loan for business and economic development in southern Russia

Center-invest Bank is to receive a total of USD15m under a loan agreement signed with ResponsAbility Social Investments AG (Zurich, Switzerland). The loan will be used to help develop micro businesses and SMEs in southern Russia. The first tranche of the loan has already been provided (USD4m, three year term).


Center-invest Bank’s effective team

Center-invest Bank has been ranked 31st in the rating “The Most Effective Bank Staff”, compiled by the portal Banki.ru. The bank’s team of more than 1600 employees are fulfilling their civic and professional responsibility for the immediate and long-term wellbeing of the region, its population, and environment, effective economic development and social stability.


Center-invest Bank is a leader for international payments

Center-invest Bank has won two prestigious banking awards: the Citibank STP Award 2012 for the excellent quality of its international payments in US dollars, and a Relationship Award 2012 from Commerzbank for the high quality of its international payments in euros.


Center-invest Bank lends RUB44bn in 1H 2013

In 1H 2013 Center-invest Bank made loans totalling RUB44.2bn to businesses and households in southern Russia. The bank’s loan portfolio increased by 18% and exceeded RUB61bn (calculated under Russian Accounting Standards). This growth can be attributed to the advantageous loan terms offered by Center-invest Bank, and also to its use of new financial products and modern information technologies.


Center-invest Bank recognised as sustainable banking leader in Eastern Europe by FT/IFC Sustainable Finance Awards

Center-invest Bank was the runner-up in its category in the FT/IFC Sustainable Finance Awards, receiving a special commendation for leadership in Eastern Europe. Center-invest Bank was the only Russian bank to win an award.


New Center-invest Bank Board of Directors

At the AGM on 11 June 2013 the shareholders of Center-invest Bank approved the new composition of the Board of Directors, agreed to a dividend payment for 2012, and approved the joint stock company’s annual report and financial statements for 2012.


Center-invest Bank is a leader in the SME lending market.

Center-invest Bank is in 8th place in the ranking “The Leading Banks in Russia’s SME Lending Market in 2012”, compiled by RosBusinessConsulting (www.rbc.ru). In 2012, Center-invest Bank lent SMEs a total of RUB63bn.


Center-invest Bank makes RUB2.5bn bond placement on the MICEX.

On 27 March 2013 Center-invest Bank placed BO-03 and BO-06 series bonds with a total par value of RUB2.5bn on the MICEX. The bonds mature in three years and carry a put option after 1.5 years. Total demand amounted to RUB4.88bn. Upon completion of book building, the annual coupon rate was lowered to 10.25%. The placement organisers were Zenit Bank and Sberbank CIB.