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Center-Invest Bank congratulated the best individual entrepreneurs of the South of Russia

Center-Invest Bank together with Ministry for economics, trade, international and external economic links of Administration of Rostov region awarded the best individual entrepreneurs of the South of Russia.


Center-invest Bank grants presents together with festive spring mood to its depositors

On the eve of March 8 Center-invest Bank grants presents and festive mood to its depositors. During the first days of spring the owners of a “New Year” deposit were granted four DVD-players, two TV-sets and other domestic equipment.


Center-invest Bank granted the masterpieces of classical music to its clients

On January 22 clients and partners of Center-invest Bank received a present form the Bank – masterpieces of symphonic music in Rostov state musical theatre. The chief conductor of the theatre, honoured worker of arts of Russia Alexander Anisimov created a special program for this concert.


Specialists of Commerzbank shared their experience with Center-invest Bank

On January 5 Center-invest Bank held a seminar for the employees. The subject of the seminar was “Working Experience of Commerzbank”. During the meeting probation period results of Center-invest Bank managers in the largest German bank were discussed.


Bank Center-invest attracted RUR 1 billion to the economy of the South of Russia

On November 23 of 2005 Bank Center-invest signed an agreement about obtaining a syndicated credit to the amount of RUR 1 billion. Bank Center-invest became the first bank of the South of Russia that entered the market of syndicated credits. New source of “long” and cheap funds will allow Bank Center-invest to increase volumes of lending to enterprises of the South of Russia – this will accelerate new industrialization of regional economy.


Bank Center-invest presented new technologies of crediting during the exhibition “Small business in the economy of Don region”

Bank Center-invest took part in the exhibition “Small business in the economy of Don region”, which took part from 17th to 19th of November in the frames of forum “Days of small business in Don region”. At its exposition Bank Center-invest presented new services for small business and individual entrepreneurs.


Bank Center-invest participates in “European finance week”

In the frames of “European finance week” in Frankfurt Bank Center-invest was presented at special Congress for Central and Eastern Europe. Independent director, a member of the Board of Directors of Bank Center-invest, ex-president of Bundesbank Ernst Welteke presented analysis of tendencies and possibilities in Russian banking sector to his colleagues and also shared his impressions of economic potential of the South of Russia.


Bank Center-invest awarded the most beautiful and purposeful student of RSCU

On November 14 Bank Center-invest became an honourable member of jury of the ninth student contest of RSCU “University beauty” and granted special prizes “Miss “Center-invest” – a digital camera and a plush teddy-bear.