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European press about bank Center-invest

Interfax Finanz- und Wirtschaftsnachrichten<br> Die Bank Center-Invest schlie&#223;t mit der EBRD und der DEG Vertr&#228;ge &#252;ber den Verkauf zus&#228;tzlicher Aktien ab<br> <p>Rostov am Don, 19. Oktober, INTERFAX – Die Center-Invest Bank AG hat mit der Europ&#228;ischen Bank f&#252;r Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD) und der Deutschen Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (DEG) Vertr&#228;ge &#252;ber den Erwerb von neu emittierten Stammaktien abgeschlossen. Dies teilte man der „Interfax“ in der Rostover Bank mit.


The value of shares of Asset Management Fund «Center-invest First» has grown by 40.65% for 9 months of 2005.

According to the results of nine months of 2005 the value of shares of Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” has grown by 40.65% (54.35% per annum). According to the results of August 2005 and results of 3 summer months Asset Management Fund “Center-invest First” occupies stably the second position of the rating “The most profitable asset management funds” (www.rating.rbc.ru).


European press about DEG and Bank Center-invest,

K&#214;LN (Dow Jones)--Die DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH wird Anteilseigner der russischen JSC Bank Center-invest. Diese z&#228;hlt zu den f&#252;hrenden Gesch&#228;ftsbanken in der Wachstumsregion Rostow am Don, teilte die DEG nach erfolgter Vertragsunterzeichnung mit. Die DEG, ein Unternehmen der KfW Bankengruppe, &#252;bernimmt demnach 20,6% der Stammaktien und 17,6% des Gesamtkapitals von Center-invest. Das Volumen der Transaktion liegt bei 14,5 Mio USD.


Bank Center-invest teaches future entrepreneurs modern business-technologies.

Bank Center-invest held the 4th educating seminar “How to become a successful entrepreneur” for students of Institute for training and retraining of specialists attached to RSCU.


Bank Center-invest attracted 100 million Euro to the economy of the South of Russia

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (London) increased credit line for trade financing for Bank Center-invest up to USD 20 million.


Bank Center-invest strengthens international contacts of Russian business.

Annual Meeting of Members and Directors of American and Russian business Council “Russia and USA: access to markets, partnership and growth” took place in Moscow on October 3 and 4. Chairman of Board of Directors of Bank Center-invest professor V.V. Vysokov, Doctor in Economics, took part in the meeting.


Bank Center-invest participates in creation of Common European Economic Space between Russia and the EU.

On October 3 in London in the frames of the General conference of the European Union-Russia Industrialists' Round Table the first meeting of work group for financial industry took place. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Center-invest professor V.V.Vysokov, Doctor in Economics, was invited to participate in it by Association of Russian banks.


Bank Center-invest has opened a new additional office “Promzona” in Dovatorov Street.

In September a new additional office of Bank Center-invest has been opened in Western district, in Dovatorov Street, 150, phone 237-72-87. There, the enterprises of industrial zone and their personnel can be granted a full range of banking services of European quality: settlement and cash service, loans and deposits, plastic cards in the frames of salary projects, Western Union, currency exchange, asset management.