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Mobile phones for holders of students' plastic cards


"Centr-invest" Bank in "Zapadny" district

Bank Center-invest announced a drawing of mobile phones among students of higher education institutions, holders of plastic cards of the bank.

At the moment there are more than 22 thousand students who receive their grants with Cirrus/Maestro international plastic cards of Bank Center-invest. The students of the following higher education institutions will take part in the drawing: the Rostov State University, the Rostov State Economic University, the Don State Technical University, the Rostov State Medical University, and the Rostov State Building University.

The new initiative of Bank Center-invest is directed at the popularization of plastic cards among the young people of the Rostov region. 10 mobile phones will be raffled off among the students who pay with the bank's plastic cards in shops and take off the cash only in ATMs and cash points of Bank Center-invest.