ESG Banking  / Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Center-invest Bank considers a wider range of environmental, social and governance risks; actively manages and controls these risks to achieve long-term profits in the interests of current and future generations of shareholders, employees, customers and partners.

All of Center-invest Banks CSR projects reflect the responsible attitude to the social development of the regions in which it operates, the protection of natural resources, and the improvement of the financial literacy of the general population and the new entrepreneurs who represent the future of the Russian economy.

In 2019, Center-invest Bank has obtained 82% of its income from lending to the real economy and allocated its income to: the population (interest paid on deposits) - 36%; partners and suppliers  - 23%; employees and the state  - 19%; and shareholders (dividends and development) - 22%.

The bank actively engages with local communities on issues relating to employment and career planning, financial literacy, and public health. It invests in culture, sport and social infrastructure, and it also helps vulnerable groups of the population.

Areas of Corporate Social Responsibility:

Financial literacy
Support for youth, female and social entrepreneurship
The environment and energy efficiency
Sport and healthy lifestyles
Digitalisation of education and learning
Assistance for the elderly, people with disabilities, and families living in difficult circumstances

All of Center-invest Bank’s branches engage constructively with local administrations and the public to address socioeconomic and environmental issues. They also work with not-for-profit organisations and the expert community at the regional level. The bank actively engages with local communities on issues relating to employment and career planning, financial literacy, and public health. It invests in culture, sport and social infrastructure, and it also helps vulnerable groups of the population. In 2019 the bank held 1,128 seminars and briefings for municipal bodies in the regions where it operates. These events addressed current issues relating to banking services, the use of remote banking, economic development, entrepreneurship, housing and utilities, and financial literacy.