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South of Russia is a top priority international project


In the end of February there was published a translation of a book by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Center-invest Bank, professor Vasily V. Vysokov, doctor in economics; the title of the book is “Investment appeal of the South of Russia” (Rostov-on-Don, RSEU “RINKH”, 2006).

Russian version of the book was prepared on the basis of analytical materials, which were used as foundation of Center-invest Bank strategy “South of Russia+”.

Global and overall analysis of social and economic problems of the South of Russia regarding republics, territories, regions and also production markets, consumers, production and financial infrastructure attracted both intentions of investors and real investments to the South of Russia amounting to RUR 8 billion.

Attracted funds will be channeled to the increase of living standards due to consumer lending and plastic cards product development (planned volume of lending for 2007 equals to RUR 5.4 billion), to industrialization and implementation of energy-efficient technologies in small business (planned volume of lending for 2007 is RUR 18 billion), to implementation of new technologies in agrarian sector of economy (planned volume of lending for 2007 equals to RUR 6 billion).

Recent increase of bank capital, successful bonded debt realized by Center-invest Bank, international syndicated loan, publishing of English version of the book “Investment appeal of the South of Russia” expanded the number of new investors and their concept of the South of Russia materially. All the above mentioned will provide the priority of the South of Russia before other investment projects in a competitive environment at world financial markets