On September 27, 2004 the central administrative board of the Bank of Russia over the Rostov area has registered the report of the JSC Center-invest bank on the additional release of ordinary inscribed stocks of the total nominal cost of 96 million rubles. The authorized capital stock of the JSC Center-invest bank has grown up to 471 million rubles.
This additional share issue of the JSC Center-invest bank was redeemed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The share of the EBRD in the authorized capital of the JSC Center-invest bank has increased up to 20,38 %, in the voting shares – up to 25,23 %.
The owned capital of the JSC Center-invest bank has made up 892 million rubles by October 01, 2004. The increase of the capital will allow to raise the sum of crediting for one borrower up to 223 million rubles, and also to give additional guarantees for the depositors of the JSC Center-invest bank.