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Center-invest Bank offered financing of energy-saving technologies to the largest enterprises of Rostov-on-Don


On April 6 a meeting of the Board of Directors of the largest enterprises of Rostov-on-Don and heads of departments of City Administration took place in Center-invest Bank. Specifically for the directors of the city enterprises the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank professor Vasily V. Vysokov, doctor in economics, presented a program named “Stimulating of investments into energy-saving”.

Center-invest Bank jointly with International Finance Corporation (IFC) finances industrial enterprises, enterprises of service industry as well as municipal enterprises, which use or plan to implement energy-saving technologies.

Realization of the program in the countries of Eastern Europe and in the South of Russia as well, where Center-invest Bank became the first partner bank of IFC, demonstrated a possibility of reduction of energy consumption by over 30%.

The matter of especial interest was experience of project loans in the sphere of municipal economy. Prospective of energy resources tariffs growth make investments into energy-saving more and more attractive.

The Board of Directors of the largest enterprises of the city will return to consideration of the energy-saving issues during its meeting in June. Apart from that seminars to discuss given issues will take place during the meetings of district Boards of Directors of Enterprises.

Senior Deputy of the Head of Administration of Rostov-on-Don S.Manakov confirmed great interest of the City Administration in projects that are realized by Center-invest Bank and supported incentives for analogical seminars for enterprises during the meetings of district Board of directors.