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Center-invest bank presented new loans for small business


Center-invest Bank offered a new lending program – “Loans under guarantees” – to the entrepreneurs of the South of Russia.

“Loan under guarantee” is granted without any collateral, it is enough to have only a constitutor’s or director’s guarantee (guarantees of the individuals). This new loan allows rapid submitting of a loan application up to RUR 500 thousand for the term of up to 1 year.

A special offer for the customers of Center-invest Bank is a loan under the guarantee of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). One of the conditions of this loan is that collateral should equal the amount of the loan? The rest is covered by the USAID guarantee.

A “Car” loan allows purchasing a car for your business while a “Start-Up” loan allows starting a new business.

A new section of the Center-invest Bank’s web-site (www.centrinvest.ru/onlinecredit) named “ONLINE credit application” has been opened. It is very convenient to submit a loan application via the Internet – you can do it any time you want and within 24 hours you will learn the decision of the economist of the Bank regarding granting of the loan. Apart from that on Bank’s web-site customers of Center-invest Bank can read in details about all the lending programs and get acquainted with the lists of required documents.Since 1997 Center-invest Bank has been realizing the program of the support of small enterprises of the South of Russia. 10 000 SMEs and 6 000 individual entrepreneurs have already become customers of Center-invest Bank.