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Center-invest Bank became the largest bank in the South of Russia by the amount and the number of granted mortgage loans


Web site RBC.ru has published a rating “The most mortgage Banks in the first half-year of 2006”. Center-invest Bank took the 31st position of the rating by the number of granted mortgage loans and 42nd by the amount. According to the information of RBC.ru during the first 6 months of 2006 Center-invest has granted 298 loans for the purchase of flats and houses to the amount of over USD 8,4 million.

Thus, Center-invest Bank became the largest Bank in the South of Russia of the first half of 2006 by the amount of granted mortgage loans.

In 2006 Center-invest Bank presented a new program “GROWTH in square metres” to the population of the South of Russia. This program has been developed specifically for each family to live in “the dream house”, for everyone to have “own space”, which should be enough for comfortable life.

With the help of this program one can take a large loan for the purchase of a new flat as well as for the exchange of your apartment for a larger one or even for the construction of your own house.

Special deposit “House Construction” is a part of this program. The owner of such deposit will be granted a lower interest rate when taking a mortgage loan in Center-invest Bank and their application form will be submitted for free.

Advantages of a bank loan:

  • The purchase of real estate with the help of a bank loan is safe as bank checks the legality of the deal and provides a possibility of riskless settlements with a Seller;
  • Real estate agencies are accredited to work with the bank, their reliability is proved by the several years of mutual work;
  • Loan payments can be made in any of 44 bank’s offices of Center-invest Bank in Rostov and Volgograd regions as well as in Krasnodarsky krai;
  • Employees of the enterprises that are customers of Center-invest Bank are granted lower interest rate.


Skilful and friendly specialists of Center-invest Bank will help you to draw up loan documentation and provide you detailed consultations regarding the servicing of the loan.