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Center-invest Bank introduced the South of Russia to its French partners


On January 23 representatives of Swiss branch of BNP Paribas bank visited Center-invest Bank. BNP Paribas is one of the largest banks in the world (3rd place according to web-site Bankers Almanac).

Negotiations between Swiss specialists and Center-invest Bank managers took place in the framework of this visit. European businessmen got acquainted with strategy of the South of Russia development - “South of Russia +”, revealing investment potential of the region.

As a result of the meeting the parties came to an agreement on exchanging information and on training Center-invest Bank specialists from treasury department at offices of BNP Paribas. Preliminary agreements were also reached, concerning financing of foreign equipment supplies and development of trade financing to realize investment projects for SMEs of the South of Russia.

Joint plans of Center-invest Bank and BNP Paribas include development of special lending programs for the purchase of French cars for the population of the South of Russia.

Cooperation with BNP Paribas, which possesses a wide network around the world, will promote strengthening of external trade connections of Center-invest Bank customers.