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South Russia coordinating committee of Association of European Businesses started its work in the Board of Directors club of Center-invest Bank


On February 14, South Russia coordinating committee of Association of European Businesses (www.aebrus.ru) held its meeting in the Board of Directors club of Center-invest Bank.

SRCC unites enterprises with foreign capital, operating in the South of Russia. The goals of foreign investors union are:

  • Support of contacts with local authorities and national unions of foreign companies;
  • Monitoring of legislation regarding matters of foreign capital enterprises activities;
  • Promotion of Best world practice in solving economic tasks of the South of Russia.

The chairman of SRCC, Mr. Zharko, presented a concept of committee’s work within the framework of activities expansion from Krasnodar Territory to South Federal District (SFD).

Participants of the meeting agreed the concept of creation of SRCC web-site (www.southofrussia.ru), and also discussed plans on creation of target capital fund “Education of the South of Russia”, creation of investors’ club for promotion of South of Russia image in European countries and establishment of concept for stable development of South of Russia enterprises.

The meeting of the club was participated by the Deputy of Plenipotentiary for President of RF in SFD, Mr. Gayevsky, who expressed his interest in supporting of SRCC work as “it is the business that is ultimately responsible for the quality of life and that takes all the main risk burden”.