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Experience of Basel II implementation is examined in Center-invest Bank


On February 16, a seminar on transition to new principles of capital regulating (Basel II) took place in Center-invest Bank.

New Basel principles, which will be implemented in 2007-2009 in western as well as in Russian banks, touch upon a row of measures for risk management, banking supervision and market discipline of the banks.

The following persons made their speeches during the seminar: Director of Deutsche Bundesbank department for banking supervision law and international banking supervision, doctor Andreas Meissner, who spoke of the experience of change of banking supervision legislation in Germany. Officers of Center-invest Bank also took part in the seminar and they presented experience of implementation of Best world practice risk management in the Bank.

The seminar on Basel II standards implementation is one of the projects, directed to development of risk management procedures in Center-invest Bank. In 2006-2007 ING Consulting specialists, within the framework of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, have provided a number of consultations on enhancement of management procedures of credit, market, operational risks, internal control and informational technologies.

In January 2007, Risk management specialists took part in annual international conference “Risk management in financial institutions of Russia and CIS” in Frankfurt, where the matters of banking supervision, Basel II implementation and retail lending risks were also discussed.