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Moody's Interfax raised Center-invest Bank rating


In May 2007 г. Moody's Interfax Rating Agency raised Center-invest Bank long-term credit rating up to A1.ru in accordance with national scale (according to the information of “cbonds.info”).

Moody's Investor's Service rating for long-term deposits in foreign currency is B1 according to international scale

Prediction for all the ratings is positive.

Ratings given by Moody's Investor's Service in accordance with international (global) scale allow comparing solvency of borrowers from different countries. B1 level means a high ability of the population to fulfill the liabilities timely and completely.

National scale ratings, given by Moody's Interfax Rating Agency, assess relative solvency of the borrowers inside a country. A1.ru is the level of upper medium solvency of issuers inside the country.