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South of Russia and investments for USD 500 million<br>Center-invest Bank at EBRD forum in Kazan


On May 20-21 in Kazan there took place annual meeting of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as well as an economic forum “Financing at new borders”, which both gathered over three thousand participants.

Center-invest Bank took part in forum meetings devoted to the prospects of Russian economy global development as well as to the prospects of development of Russian region and municipal power engineering.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank professor Vasily V. Vysokov, doctor in economics, and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board in international relations and financial institutions, Olga V. Vysokova, master of finance, held over 50 meetings with EBRD and Center-invest Bank partners as well as with the members of the Russian Federation and Tatarstan Republic government.

Conducted negotiations will allow attract up to USD 500 million into the economy of the South of Russia in accordance with strategy plan “South of Russia +”.

A successful activity of Center-invest Bank in the South of Russia was reflected in EBRD annual report (http://www.ebrd.org/pubs/general/ar06.htm) and edition “The people behind our projects. EBRD in Russia” (http://www.ebrd.org/pubs/general/vc07.htm).

Center-invest Bank activities in the South of Russia and investment appeal of the region was also introduced to the forum participants in an article by the Independent Director of Center-invest Bank, Ernest Welteke, ex-president of Bundesbank (Germany), entitled “Investments to the South of Russia”; the article was published in a special edition “FINANZEN” of the newspaper “Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung”.