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A company from Taganrog is a finalist of international environmental contest


On September 19 in London there took place a rewarding ceremony of international contest in the sphere of ecology and sustainable development FT Environmental Awards, established by The Financial Times newspaper and Citi Private Bank. OJSC Heat and Energy Enterprise for Heat Network “Teploenergo” (Taganrog, Rostov region) became the finalist of given prestige international contest.

Contest organizers underlined that “Teploenergo” was the only Russian company to participate in the contest.

Awards of this competent financial edition are granted to large companies and small businesses for notable achievements in the sphere of environmental protection and nonpolluting production. One of the main criteria of the contest is reduction of CO2 atmospheric emission by the company. Participation in the contest proves company transparency and its adherence to energy-efficient technologies.

Due to Bank «Center-invest» financing, OJSC Heat and Energy Enterprise for Heat Network “Teploenergo” uses 2 modern, more powerful and energy-efficient boilers instead of 8 old ones. Current expenses for production of 1 Gcal have reduced 3 times and CO2 emission has reduced by 217 ton/year.

Competitors of “Teploenergo” to participate in the final of the contest were such famous international companies as General Motors Corp. and Xerox.Bank Center-invest plans to use “Teploenergo” experience to improve living conditions, implement energy-efficient technologies and to manage houses in Sochi – capital of winter Olympic games in 2014.

“Teploenergo” example showed Russian business that sustainable, energy-efficient and nonpolluting development can be both generally useful and commercially profitable.

President of Financial Times John Ridding noted: “It is necessary to find opportunities in challenges. At present winning companies are those who can receive commercial profit from implementation of environment protection mechanisms”.