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Bank Center-invest shared its experience of sustainable development


On January 22nd the presentation of the “FT Sustainable Banking Awards” took place in Moscow. Among the participants were deputies of State Duma, representatives of the banking community and top management of Bank Center-invest.

During the presentation Bank Center-invest, which became the first Russian bank to win the silver prize of this awards in 2007, told the participants about its experience of sustainable development within Russian conditions.

According to Rostov bankers the widest meaning of the term “sustainability” is revealed in slogan “Putin’s plan: stability and development”.

«Sustainability» principle does not mean short-term profit maximization but the stable long-term development with the environmental and social risks taken into account.

Bank Center-invest realizes this principle by supporting small business development, implementing new technologies in agriculture, realizing energy-efficiency projects and supporting education via its endowment Fund “Education and Science in SFD”.

Due to implementation of the new technologies and the best world practice the sustainable development principles provide transparent and efficient conduct of Bank Center-invest business.

Within the framework of experience exchange Bank Center-invest presented to the International Finance Corporation a photo of a new Bank’s branch, which was opened in Taganrog city on the premises of a reconstructed heat exchanging point as a prove of the benefits of implementing energy efficiency technologies.