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Brand: good name value


OJSC Regional centre “Yugpatent” has prepared a report “On sole rights market value estimation of brands, whose sole right owner is OJSC CB “Center-invest” along the territory of Russian Federation”. Resulting from the estimation the final market value of Bank Center-invest sole rights for immaterial goods equals to RUR 1 246 872 016.

The trade mark is an originally performed abbreviation of the owner, where letters «Ц» and «И» are located in each other, while the center is occupied by percentage symbol – «%», the logo is followed by the inscription – БАНК ЦЕНТР-ИНВЕСТ (BANK CENTER-INVEST). The logo and name of the Bank, which are located in a specific graphical composition and pattern, form together a proprietary unit that can be realized in different colour schemes, approved by brand-book of the Bank.

In 1997 Bank Center-invest registered “senior trade mark” that represented only word abbreviation, foreign mass media wrote the following about it*: “it is impossible to live in the South of Russia without knowing Bank Center-invest logo that is based on a Cyrillic letter with a dynamic tail”. In years senior trade mark became the proper name that associates with professional banking services based on the best world practice and symbolizing a warrant for service quality as well as providing incentives to use offers of the Bank.

In 2006 proprietary unit of Bank Center-invest, consisting of the logo and the name of the Bank, was standardized graphically and geometrically in accord with modern technological requirements and was approved by the Executive Board of the Bank as a part of brand-book.

“Senior trade mark” registered by the state and estimation of its market value by a Russian company will later allow Bank Center-invest to realize the international registration of the trade mark and assess it in accord with international standards.

Succession of the individualization means allowed to preserve all the positive aspects of the senior trade mark that could not help but boost market value of sole rights for new trade marks.

The estimation of the registered trade marks value was based on expenses and profit approaches.

Within the framework of the profit approach they used “relief from royalty” method, where a part of profit that is related to the use of intellectual property object is singled out from the total profitability of the Bank and the discount is considered to be the profitability of non-risk investments and bonuses for the management quality, size and structure of the company, goods and territorial diversification.

Replacement value method considers expenses on design, registration of legal safeguard, marketing, advertising, as well as profit of payments, actual terms of useful life and scales of trade marks use and the level of its aesthetic perception by the customers.