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Center-Invest Bank ranked as one of the most profitable Russian banks.


Ross Business Consulting (RBC.ru) has published its rating 'The Most Profitable and Effective Banks in Q1 2008’. Center-Invest Bank is ranked 41st among the largest Russian banks in terms of pre-tax profits for Q1 2008. In just one year it has moved up 14 places in the rating.

As reported by RBC.ru, at the end of Q1 2008 Center-Invest Bank had pre-tax profits of RUR362.5m, a 70% increase on the same period of last year.

Center-Invest Bank has achieved this growth by expanding its branch network and increasing its range of services.

As part of its 'South of Russia+' strategy, Center-Invest Bank plans to further expand its branch network to take the total number of branches to 135. Already, work on ten new branches is almost complete.

In Q1 2008 Center-Invest Bank began selling unit investment trusts, introduced new services for bank card holders, expanded its acquiring network, increased the interest rate on deposits, and provided other new services for its retail customers and businesses in southern Russia.

Center-Invest Bank is one of the leading banks in southern Russia. It is achieving sustainable, balanced growth and accelerated development in the most promising market segments:

  • 5th in terms of number of loans to SMEs;
  • 6th in terms of total value of SME lending;
  • 26th in terms of number of branches;
  • 28th in terms of its car loan portfolio;
  • 29th in terms of retail lending;
  • 30th in terms of mortgage lending;
  • 40th in terms of retail deposits;
  • 46th among universal banks;
  • 54th in terms of its loan portfolio;
  • 60th in terms of capital;
  • 62nd in terms of net assets.