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The RusRating agency has confirmed Center-invest Bank's high rating.


The independent, national ratings agency RusRating has confirmed Center-invest Bank's 'ВВВ-' rating.

Center-invest Bank is the only regional bank to have such a high rating. The BBB- rating indicates a relatively high degree of creditworthiness and a financial condition that is considered satisfactory and stable in the medium term.

The BBB- rating assigned to Center-invest Bank is three 'steps' higher than RusRating's BB- creditworthiness rating, which is the minimum rating a bank must have in order to obtain unsecured loans from the Bank of Russia.

Center-invest Bank also has an independent international rating from Moody’s Investors Service: В1, outlook stable. With such a strong international rating, Center-invest Bank is able to bid in the Bank of Russia's collateral-free auctions for three-month loans, and also to act as a guarantor for other banks borrowing from the Bank of Russia.

Center-invest Bank is the leading bank in southern Russia, demonstrating sustainable, balanced growth and accelerated development in the most promising market segments. In 2008 Center-invest Bank increased its capital by 47.7%, its net assets by 35.5%, and its customer deposits by 15.5%.