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Center-invest Bank is the leader of the year!


According to the rating “Leader of the year 2009” published in the local newspaper Gorod N (issue №50(859) dated 28.12.09), Center-invest Bank has become the most successful company of the year, and Dr.Vasily Vysokov, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJS Bank Center-invest, becomes the leader in the nominations “Successful business owner of the year 2009” and “Influential businessman of the year 2009”. 

Center-invest Bank for two years in succession becomes the most successful company according to Gorod N rating and Dr. Vysokov is assigned to be the most successful businessman.

Dr. Vysokov is also one of the leaders nominated in “Business reputation”.

Center-invest Bank occupies the 4th position nominated “Brand of the year 2009” and becomes the leader among financial institutions.

“To achieve success in the conditions of financial crisis is not an easy task for a bank. We completed this task because in our business we gave priority to the interests of our clients; the bank suggested an effective program of creating a post-crisis economy and helped to put it into effect”, says Dr. Vysokov.      

The Board of Directors and Executive Board of Center-invest Bank are grateful to the employees and customers, whose efficiency and confidence help the Bank be on the top of rating lists.