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Stability of Center-Invest Bank is confirmed by international rating


On 15 June the international rating agency Moody’s Investors Service upgraded Center-Invest Bank's B1 global rating outlook for its long-term foreign currency deposits to “stable”. The agency also confirmed Center-Invest’s E+ outlook “stable” bank financial strengths rating and its A2.ru national scale long-term rating.

Moody's experts point out that the current rating reflects Center-Invest Bank's strong market positions in the Southern Federal District of Russia. In particular, as noted in the agency's report, Center-Invest Bank’s ability to operate confidently in the local market is bolstered by its broad base of retail and business customers, its extensive branch network, and the international composition of its shareholders.

Moody’s Assistant Vice-President Semyon Isakov said, “Center-Invest Bank has mostly restored its pre-provision income over the last several quarters, which currently enables it to withstand asset quality problems without a significant negative impact on capitalisation.”

The global scale ratings assigned by Moody's Investor's Service allow users to compare the creditworthiness of borrowers from different countries.  The B1 rating indicates a strong ability to repay debt obligations on time and in full.

The national scale ratings assigned by Moody's Interfax Rating Agency assess the relative creditworthiness of borrowers within a given country. A2.ru indicates above-average creditworthiness relative to other domestic issuers.