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Center-Invest Bank has lent RUB2bn in energy efficiency loans.


Total energy efficiency lending by Center-Invest Bank has reached in excess of RUB2bn (as at 01.09.2010). 180 energy efficiency projects have been financed, resulting in an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of 61,170 tonnes (equivalent to the emissions of 35,700 cars).

Already this year, we have financed 52 energy efficiency projects with loans totalling more than RUB650m; energy efficiency lending is up 47% on the whole of 2009. Experience shows that, on average, energy efficiency projects generate savings in the region of 40-70%. By introducing modern energy efficiency equipment, companies can reduce their production costs, expand their product ranges, increase their sales volumes, and obtain competitive advantages. As energy prices continue to rise, the task of reducing energy consumption is becoming ever more important.

Having worked with international financial institutions on energy efficiency programmes in southern Russia since 2005 (EBRD, IFC, KfW, FMO), Center-Invest Bank:

  • — attracts long-term resources (up to five years) for financing projects on favourable terms;
  • — has access to information about the very latest energy efficiency technologies in different sectors of the economy (industry, agriculture, construction, transport, housing and communal services).

Also, under technical assistance programmes, our own specialists work together with foreign specialists to provide energy audits, produce energy efficiency business plans, and design energy efficiency projects, calculating the anticipated savings and payback periods. Companies wishing to participate in the programme and obtain an energy efficiency loan must put forward a project involving: 1) the acquisition of new equipment that will reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions and / or 2) the introduction of other measures aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing costs. When necessary, Center-Invest customers can obtain a free-of-charge energy audit of their company to identify the opportunities to save energy and money.

Companies that are making their operations more energy efficient can expect to obtain loans with longer terms (3-5 years) and lower interest rates.
It is not just our business customers who can participate in our energy efficiency lending programmes; we also make energy efficiency loans to private individuals and housing cooperatives. 

For examples of energy efficiency projects, including the calculated savings and payback periods, please contact our Press Service.