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Center-Invest Bank is a leader in SME lending.


In 2010, Center-Invest Bank made more loans to SMEs as part of the Rostov Region SME Development Programme than any other bank: 4896 loans totalling RUR21.2bn.

Center-Invest Bank accounted for 30% of the total number of loans made by the banks participating in the Rostov Region SME Development Programme, and for 29% of their value. In 2010, lending under this programme by Center-Invest Bank was up RUR5.5bn, or 35%, on 2009. Furthermore, we accounted for 47.2% of the total number of loans made to SMEs under this programme for the implementation of investment projects and for 25.9% of the value of these loans. These figures confirm that we are successfully pursuing our commitment to help southern Russia’s SMEs to modernize.

At the national level, Center-Invest Bank is considered one of the top twenty partners for SMEs. In the rating «Russia"s Top Twenty Banks of 2010» published by the creditforbusiness website we rank 11th in terms of the value of SME lending (http://www.creditforbusiness.ru/articles/5781).

Center-Invest Bank has been running programmes to support SMEs in southern Russia for fifteen years. Today, 40,000 SMEs and self-employed individuals bank with us. One of Center-Invest Bank"s objectives is to help SMEs in southern Russia operate at an international level. To this end, we have developed a new investment programme for SMEs in southern Russia, “Partnership for Modernization”. Within the framework of this programme, Center-Invest Bank plans to invest RUR3bn in the economy of southern Russia.

Under the Partnership for Modernization programme, we offer the following products and services: loans to enable companies to introduce energy efficient technologies and upgrade agricultural equipment and technology; long-term business development loans; leasing and trade finance arrangements for the acquisition of equipment from foreign partners; bank guarantees; advice and support from Center-Invest experts.

In addition, at the end of last year, we updated the “Partner” Database, which was created in 2004. Hosted by the portal MBDON.RU. The database contains information about 50,000 SMEs. Any company can access this online resource to find and select a partner from among SMEs in the Rostov region. For ease of use, companies can search by type of activity, company name, and location. For foreign companies, the catalogue of Rostov region companies is also available in German and English.

Center-Invest Bank began operating a «hot line» for SMEs more than five years ago. This service provides businesses in the Rostov region with free legal consultations.

By providing intellectual support and modern finance solutions, incorporating international best practice, Center-Invest Bank will help its SME customers compete both in the domestic marketplace and abroad.