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Center-invest Bank’s Approach to Sustainable Development is Underpinned by Turnpike Theory


At the end of November, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank, Dr. Vasily Vysokov, addressed the 18th Annual International Russian Banking Forum, held by the Adam Smith Institute in London. Dr. Vysokov spoke about the implementation by Center-invest Bank and its customers of a sustainable development model.

In a paper entitled “Sustainable Turnpike Road”, Dr. Vysokov presented the results being achieved by Center-invest Bank and its customers in southern Russia through the application of a sustainable development model. Rather than prioritizing speculative profits, this model focuses on the long-term efficiencies to be gained from business modernization based on international best practice and the creation of goods and services that can compete on global markets. Center-invest Bank’s results are confirmed by its financial indicators and also by Moody’s decision to upgrade the bank’s international rating to Ba3 outlook “stable”.

Center-invest Bank’s products and services are helping deliver maximum, sustainable economic growth in southern Russia, thereby improving standards of living: bank loans for SMEs to modernize their operations, finance for energy-efficiency and agricultural projects, training for business start-ups, and social and educational projects.

Responding to the interest in southern Russia shown by European investors, financial experts and analysts, Dr. Vysokov has given a series of interviews for leading Russian and foreign publications.

During the Banking Forum, Center-invest Bank’s Russian and foreign partners reaffirmed their willingness to continue their cooperation with southern Russia’s largest bank and to participate in financing new SME development, energy-efficiency and agribusiness projects.