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Center-Invest Bank is among the top 40 banks with the largest branch network


Center-Invest Bank is rated 39th place according to the RBC bank among the affiliated banks in Russia at the end of May 2012. Center-Invest’s branch network is comprised of 140 offices in the south of Russia, including customer service offices in Moscow.

Thanks to this wide branch network, Center-Invest can ensure its clients will receive quality service, professional advice and assistance at any of its offices. Opportunities offered to the bank’s clients in the central cities, are equally available to residents of settlements in the districts of the Rostov and Volgograd regions and the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

For all of these people and businesses of the south of Russia, the bank strives to provide them with intellectual support and advanced financial technologies, while taking into account international best practice.

Center-Invest is showing a steady increase in all of its parameters: increasing the number of customers, expanding its regional network and making its services more accessible. For its cardholders, the bank has made a large amount of progress perfecting our system for remote banking services. As a result card account management has become more convenient, reliable and profitable for customers. With the help of our online banking system clients have access to a number of services such as tracking all of their transactions, top up their mobiles and pay for utilities or any other services.

For its depositors Center-Invest offers preferential interest rates on loans for consumer purposes, auto loans as well as loans to implement energy efficient technologies in the apartments and houses.

These favorable conditions for deposits, interesting credit offers, combined with quality service and an innovative technology platform were the reasons that Center-Invest took 17th place among the top retail banks in Russia in the RBC bank’s ratings of 2011.

Center-Invest actively develops and takes a leading position in the top 50 Russian banks on modern banking products that will improve the standard of living of South Russia. The bank is in 5th place for loans to small and medium business, 21st in total volume of issued mortgages, 28th place in terms of car loans and 37th place in unsecured loans.

Established twenty years ago by southern Russia’s first privatized enterprises, Center-Invest Bank has become known as a “reform laboratory” in the region and it has established successful partnerships with international financial institutions. It is southern Russia’s leading bank and the only one to have a Ba3 rating from Moody’s.