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Center-invest Bank offers preferential terms on business loans for women.


Center-invest Bank now offers even better terms under its loan programme for women in business. This programme is designed for female business managers and owners, as well as for companies that provide services for women and/or sell products for women. The maximum loan amount has been increased to RUB3m.

As explained by Olga Vysokova, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Center-invest Bank, «With the objective of helping successful businesswomen grow their companies, we are offering a special promotion: a preferential loan interest rate of 12.75% per annum. This is a 25% discount on the standard loan rate for SMEs. The financial support and information provided by the bank, and the introduction of modern technologies and equipment in line with best international practice, will help southern Russia’s companies be competitive not only on the domestic market, but also on international markets.» Center-invest Bank introduced its preferential loan programme for businesswomen in December 2011, as part of its commitment to encouraging enterprise. One of our main shareholders, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has a proven track record of successfully lending to businesswomen, and Center-invest Bank is drawing on this experience for the benefit of businesses in southern Russia.

In the first year of the programme, 72 business ladies realised their business dreams with the help of preferential loans from Center-invest Bank. Total lending under the programme exceeded RUB50m.

In addition, Center-invest Bank regularly holds business breakfasts for businesswomen in southern Russia. The topics for discussion have included: social and environmentally responsible business, philanthropy, business education, corporate culture, and the advantages of business dynasties. The business breakfast format allows businesswomen to pool their ideas and efforts for the benefit of southern Russia’s economy and society.

Supporting and developing enterprise in southern Russia is one of the priorities of Center-invest Bank’s «Strategy for the Modernisation of SMEs in Southern Russia». It is also fundamental to the bank’s own sustainable development in the region.