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Center-invest Bank lends RUB44bn in 1H 2013


In 1H 2013 Center-invest Bank made loans totalling RUB44.2bn to businesses and households in southern Russia. The bank’s loan portfolio increased by 18% and exceeded RUB61bn (calculated under Russian Accounting Standards). This growth can be attributed to the advantageous loan terms offered by Center-invest Bank, and also to its use of new financial products and modern information technologies.

In the first six months of 2013:

Center-invest Bank made 3,175 business loans for a total of RUB37bn.

The bank lent RUB28.1bn to sole traders and SMEs. At 1 July 2013 its loan portfolio in this sector was RUB27bn.

Total retail lending was RUB7.2bn, comprising 16,900 loans. There was a two-and-a half-fold increase in bank card loans (net growth), to RUB104.5m.

Retail deposits totalled RUB34.9bn.

At 1 July 2013, more than 223,500 people had a Center-invest Bank bank card.

Under the “Start up” and “Youth Business Russia” programmes, 162 young entrepreneurs received loans totalling RUB190.5m. The finance is provided on preferential terms (for up to three years, with a six month grace period) and customers also benefit from business consultancy and advice and free business banking, including access to our online banking service, “Bank-Client”.

Center-invest Bank is a market leader for energy efficiency finance, SME lending, and lending to enable agricultural companies to introduce new technologies. The bank also runs educational programmes for the local population, entrepreneurs, students and schoolchildren. These programmes are an important component of its sustainable banking business model.