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Center-invest Bank’s effective team


Center-invest Bank has been ranked 31st in the rating “The Most Effective Bank Staff”, compiled by the portal Banki.ru. The bank’s team of more than 1600 employees are fulfilling their civic and professional responsibility for the immediate and long-term wellbeing of the region, its population, and environment, effective economic development and social stability.

The compilers of the rating believe that “if a bank is universal, then it is not always profitable and effective. Developing all types of banking activities stretches staff thin and entails constant expenditure.” Center-invest Bank’s development strategy and the financial results that it delivers for southern Russia disprove this rule.

The bank’s twenty years of experience in localising best international practice have culminated in its implementation of a sustainable banking business model, which ensures effective management of human resources and risks, profitability, and balanced growth in the interests of future generations. By providing affordable financial products for the local population and businesses and helping companies to modernise, Center-invest Bank is able to retain its market positions in the Russian banking sector year on year.

Center-invest Bank provides continuous staff training on new areas in sustainable banking. Of its 1,670 employees (at FYE 2012), 20 have higher doctorates and PhDs, 10 are studying for postgraduate qualifications, and more than 77% have a higher education.

“By fostering creativity and encouraging personal responsibility for the successful implementation of the bank’s own strategy and those of its customers, we have established a positive corporate culture,” says President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank, Dr Vasily Vysokov. “An important result of this is the high birth rate among our employees. In the first six months of 2013, 47 children were born to our employees. We have every reason to be confident that all the members of our team are committed to helping the bank and our customers achieve new sustainable results.”

A job with Center-invest Bank is a means to social mobility. Our employees can compete in the global marketplace. They receive professional development opportunities in a company with a unique corporate culture, working alongside highly skilled and knowledgeable experts. Center-invest Bank also offers an attractive benefits package, which includes: free language courses, medical insurance, a sports club at the bank’s head office, annual team building events and regular training.