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Center-invest Bank obtains USD15m loan for business and economic development in southern Russia


Center-invest Bank is to receive a total of USD15m under a loan agreement signed with ResponsAbility Social Investments AG (Zurich, Switzerland). The loan will be used to help develop micro businesses and SMEs in southern Russia. The first tranche of the loan has already been provided (USD4m, three year term).

ResponsAbility Social Investments is one of the world’s leading social investment management companies. Center-invest Bank’s high international rating, its many years of reporting under IFRS, and its long-term sustainable development strategy make it a suitable partner for the Swiss fund.

During their meetings with Center-invest Bank, experts from ResponsAbility Social Investments commended the bank for its high level of social and environmental responsibility. As part of its commitment to sustainability, Center-invest Bank runs educational programmes for the general public, entrepreneurs, students and schoolchildren. It also offers businesswomen loans on preferential terms, and finances energy efficiency projects.

By providing preferential loans and convenient banking services, Center-invest Bank helps companies become sustainable businesses that can compete not only on regional markets, but also internationally.

Details of all our loan programmes and special offers can be found on our website: www.centrinvest.ru