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Center-invest Bank Participates in II National Congress on Financial Education


Center-invest Bank presented its financial literacy programmes and social and educational projects at the II National Congress on Financial Education for the General Public, held on

2-5 March in Anapa. The event was organised by the Russian Central Bank.

The Congress participants learnt about the latest strategies and approaches in financial literacy, looking at both international experience and Russian practice. The event also served as a forum for the sharing of experience and coordination of efforts.

Center-invest Bank was invited to address the session on strategic programmes to develop regional financial literacy projects. Our representative spoke about the successful projects already implemented by the bank.

Center-invest Bank’s social and educational projects aim to increase the importance attached to quality education in Russia today and also to increase knowledge about the economy among broad sectors of the population. The projects encompass all the groups involved in education and academia: teachers, students, schoolchildren and recent graduates.

The Congress participants were interested to hear about Center-invest Bank’s online “Enterprise for All” course (school.centrinvest.ru). This free, high-quality training course is a new and contemporary form of communicative mechanism that is helping to raise the financial literacy of the general public. The project combines training modules in the basic principles of entrepreneurship, video lectures, and textbooks. These resources help users to assess their entrepreneurial capabilities and to improve their knowledge about the economy. More than 10,000 people have registered on the training portal to date, and 2,700 have already successfully completed the course and received a certificate.

This year the “Enterprise for All” project is again taking part in Global Money Week. This annual international money awareness celebration unites the regions of Russia and communities worldwide in efforts to promote entrepreneurship and improve financial literacy.