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Anti-Crisis Management and Post-Crisis Development


At the request of the Rostov Region local government and the Rostov-on-Don city administration, Dr Vysokov, chairman of the Board of Directors of Center-invest Bank, gave a series of talks on current management problems to local civil servants. Dr Vysokov is also the chairman of the Commission for Economic Development, Enterprise and Innovation of the Rostov Region Public Chamber.

The lectures covered the following: Design of Economic Mechanisms, Traditions and Prospects of Regional Planning, Transformational Banking, and Creative Methods of Analysing and Generating Solutions. Dr Vysokov drew on current academic thinking, best international practice, and Center-invest Bank’s own experience in delivering sustainable development for its customers, employees and partners. He also referred to the successful implementation of reforms in southern Russia.

Dr Vysokov delivered the lectures free of charge and in his own time. Attendees requested that we upload video recordings of the talks so that their colleagues could watch them. The recordings are available here.

This is not the first time that Center-invest Bank has helped to train civil servants in economic management. The bank provides free training in the basics of entrepreneurship via its online portal “Enterprise for All”. The administrations of Rostov Region, Volgograd Region, Krasnodar Krai and Stavropol Krai have all agreed that completion of this course will count towards their employees’ continuing professional development. To date, approximately 10,000 people have registered on the portal and more than 2,600 have successfully completed the course.

At the start of the academic year, Center-invest Bank gave more than 1,000 copies of Dr Vysokov’s textbook “Creative Methods of Analysing and Generating Solutions” to higher education institutions in southern Russia.