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Indian Summer for SMEs


Center-invest Bank has launched a special seasonal offer for SMEs: financially stable companies with a good credit history can apply for a working capital loan of up to RUB5m, with a term of up to three months. This loan product is available until 15 October 2015.

SMEs can use this product for almost any purpose relating to their day-to-day operations. It is suitable both for replenishing working capital and for other operational purposes (such as paying salaries, rent and tax). The only security required is a guarantee from the company owners.

Center-invest Bank’s loan programmes provide SMEs with finance on preferential terms for various purposes, including business modernisation and maintaining liquidity,” says Sergei Smirnov, deputy chairman of Center-invest Bank’s Executive Board. “We are able to build long-term relationships with our customers thanks to our convenient and very advantageous terms on loans, low interest rates, broad product line, and flexible approach, in line with sustainable banking principles.”

Center-invest Bank promotes SME development, the implementation of energy efficiency projects, and the introduction of new technologies in agriculture and processing. In the first 7 months of 2015, we lent more than RUB41bn to SMEs.